Big Update coming!

Version 2.1 is on the way!

Sorry for the silence. Its been a while now.

We have been working hard on improving our game and we are very excited to share this progress with you very soon.

The new update will add:

  • Music and SFX - We wanted to add this from the very beginning but for time constraint reasons we couldn't, however, nothing is stopping us now ;)
  • New Levels - We plan to add 7 Levels in total to the final game, however we plan to release this update pretty soon so we will see how many we can fit into this first 2.1 version.
  • UI and UX improvements - More menus, Level Select and Save System.
  • Bug Fixes - We read all of the feedback on the game so far and we will do our best to fix all of the problems you helped us find.

Huge thanks to all of you that follow the game and took some of your time to play it and even gave feedback. My team and I are extremely grateful of being able to show you all of our work and we hope you like it!

Merry Christmas and stay tuned for more! We will not rest until the game is finished.

Get Hold your Breadth

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